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Chủ đề: Bật/Tắt tường lửa Iptables trên VPS Linux - How To Disable The Iptables Firewall in Linux

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    Bật/Tắt tường lửa Iptables trên VPS Linux - How To Disable The Iptables Firewall in Linux

    I need to disable firewall in Linux for testing purpose. I’m using CentOS and RHEL version 4.4 / 5 / 6. How do I disable the firewall in Linux?

    A Linux firewall is software based firewall that provides protection between your server (workstation) and damaging content on the Internet or network. It will try to guard your computer against both malicious users and software such as viruses/worms.

    Task: Disable / Turn off Linux Firewall (Red hat/CentOS/Fedora Core)

    Type the following two commands (you must login as the root user):
    /etc/init.d/iptables save
    /etc/init.d/iptables stop
    Turn off firewall on boot:
    chkconfig iptables off
    Task: Enable / Turn on Linux Firewall (Red hat/CentOS/Fedora Core)

    Type the following command to turn on iptables firewall:
    /etc/init.d/iptables start
    Turn on firewall on boot:
    chkconfig iptables on
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    Lần sửa cuối bởi nghiammo1992, ngày 18/10/2016 lúc 17:13.
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